
Licensing Qualifications


To qualify for a real estate salesperson's license, an applicant must be 18 years of age or older, have a high school education or equivalency, complete a 75-hour pre-license course at a licensed school and pass the license examination.

After successfully completing the course and passing the examination the applicant must apply for a license through a sponsoring real estate broker. In addition the Commission must be satisfied as to the applicant's honesty, trustworthiness, character and integrity.  An applicant must pass the salespersons license examination not later than one year after their successful completion of the pre-licensure education requirements. 


To qualify for a broker's license, an applicant must have been continually licensed and employed on a full-time basis as a New Jersey real estate salesperson for the three years immediately preceding application, have a high school education or equivalency and successfully complete 150 hours of pre-licensure education.

After completion of 150 hours, the applicant must submit to the Education Qualification Section of the Commission their completed school certificate and a completed Experience Report For Broker Applicant form. Following review and approval, the applicant will be mailed a Certificate of Examination Eligibility, which may be used to make a reservation to take the Broker license examination. An applicant must pass the broker license examination and apply for and request the issuance of a license as a broker or broker-salesperson not later than one year after their successful completion of the broker education requirements.

Other Policies

If an applicant has ever been convicted of a crime, or is currently on parole or probation their application for a real estate license may be denied. See N.J.S.A. 45:15-9, 45:15 12.1 and 2A:168A-1 et seq.  If you are a disabled United States Veteran and a citizen of New Jersey, it may be possible to secure waivers of the education and experience requirements for licensure. Please contact the NJ Real Estate Commission's Education Waiver Section at 609-292-7272 Ext. 50137 for details. 

New Jersey does not currently have reciprocity with any state.   


If you have any questions regarding the requirements, please do not hesitate to contact the NJ Real Estate Commission's Education Bureau at 609-292-7272 Ext. 50113 or 50137

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